One thing that’s on my mind at the moment is the number of small businesses that are struggling to survive in such unsettled times. Many jobs are in jeopardy and I have friends in Ireland who are temporarily laid-off and others in the UK that may face pay-cuts very soon.
A little goes a long way
I picked up two cappuccinos and almond pastries from Walter Buchmann in Seefeld yesterday. This bakery, like many others across the world are reliant so much on their takeaway trade at the moment. It was lovely to have a quick chat with the barista and see a few people spaced apart outside, waiting to pop in. I’m going to make sure to keep an eye out for local businesses still open and support them.
The seats remain empty, but our branches and cafés are open as take-away. We look forward to everyone who wants good bread, a fine sandwich or a fresh salad. Stay healthy! – Buchmann
I was on Instagram earlier and saw this video from the account Keep Them Lit and it sums the whole idea of supporting home businesses so well. #KeepThemLit
Stay safe everyone, x